Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Chaplet of Saint Anne

When I'm not working or making rosaries/jewelry, I'm taking MBA classes. Yes, I am slightly insane ;) The past week or so has been consumed with my Economics class. Luckily, my final was Monday night (not good AT ALL), and, after sleeping it off last night, I'm ready to take full advantage of the 2 month break before my next class (another blasted economics class!).

April has been a good month for me, sales wise. I also had several firsts:

- first repeat customer
- first private Alchemy request
- first customer who said they found me on Flickr
- first customer who said they were refered by a past customer

I'm hoping May will be a good month as well. I will have time to make and list new items more regularly, and one of my chaplets will be in the Etsy cooperative ad in the May issue of CRAFT magazine. I've also stocked up on rosary and chaplet components; I'm going to try to use up a lot of the beads I have on hand before I buy more.

Hmm, looks like May could be just as busy as April after all :)